"Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will."
Ripplekit, Rippleblast
Mother Clearshell
Father Unknown
Siblings Tinykit
Mate None
Kits None
Basic Info
Gender Female
Sexuality Unsure
Age 11 moons
Rank Apprentice
Residence Riverclan
Personality Type ESTP | The Entrepreneur
Quirks waves her tail around when she's super excited, puffs out her chest when she's about to yowl really loud, has selective hearing, so she only hears what she wants to hear
Mentor(s): Lionstar
Riveripple, Lilytail, Poolheart
Apprentice(s): None
very loud and obnoxious. she doesn't know how to keep quiet, unless she senses a situation where it's required. otherwise it's constant yammering 24/7.
very good with words and reasoning. she always tries her hardest to get what she wants, and words are her strong point.
always has a reason for doing everything, and will back it up with numerous facts.
good at reading body language in others. she's quite observant of the smallest details, and will use all of that to her advantage. though she doesn't seem like she's observant, which gives her the upperpaw in some social situations.
enjoys competitions. she is highly competitive, and will never back down from a fight or a challenge. hates losing, but will be a good sport about it anyways, for the most part. sometimes she's passive aggressive if she feels she should've won.
quite aggressive and quick to defend. But she also does have those facts and reasoning she gathers backing her up.
reasonable and factual when it comes to stressful situations. ripple herself doesn't get stressed very often, and if there's the off chance that she does she has a good coping mechanism of simply building random "structures" out of anything she can find around her.