"We are all different, but there's something fantastic about that, isn't there?"
Foxkit, Foxpaw
Mother Mapleheart
Father Burn
Siblings None
Mate None
Kits None
Basic Info
Gender Female
Sexuality Biromantic Bisexual
Age 38 moons
Rank Warrior
Residence Thunderclan
Personality Type ESFP | The Entertainer
Quirks cannot lie for the life of her, she always gives it away; always more aggressive and open than passive, doesn't groom herself when she's stressed so she ends up looking like a mess; taps her claws on the ground when she's worried about something
never really thinks things through at first, but does allow herself to learn from her mistakes and ponder over what she could've done better
fox is super optimistic, and tries to not let anything get her down, she'll always pick herself back up and try to help others pick themselves back up too
very dedicated and loyal, fox will show loyalty to all those who have earned her trust and it takes a lot for that loyalty to be broken, if ever
fox tries her best not to be judgmental and to give everyone a chance, a feat which can be quite daunting for her at times
she's very abrasive and can get temperamental pretty fast, but she tries to withhold it and think logically instead of just jumping straight to anger.