"It's okay if you don't like me. Not everyone has good taste."
Freezekit, Freezeglare
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Siblings Frigidpaw, Iciclepaw, Snowpaw
Mate None
Kits None
Basic Info
Gender Female
Sexuality Panromantic Demisexual
Age 13 moons
Rank Apprentice
Residence Shadowclan
Personality Type ISTJ | The Logistician
Quirks curls her tail around her paws when she's watching others, eyes narrow when she's making deductions in her head, licks forepaw when she's trying to cover something up, shivers when she's frustrated
Mentor(s): None
Apprentice(s): None
pretty mysterious and quiet, Freeze doesn't enjoy much talk, and prefers to just listen and nod along to what others are saying. she does okay talking in a one on one setting, but still prefers to keep silent if she can.
enjoys people watching, she likes sitting on the sidelines and studying social cues, and often knows more about cats before she even talks to them for the first time.
words are this she-cat's strength, she does know how to use them well and always things before she speaks so she makes sure she phrases things in a way that can't come back to bite her later. She does take some time when talking, as she allows herself this thinking time. She also speaks with a tone that sounds like she knows what she's talking about, which she does.
Freeze is pretty brutal when it comes to being honest, good thing is you always know shes being completely honest, but that's also the bad thing, because she doesn't sugarcoat anything